“I was crowned by my God, my crown is living . . .
I received the face and the fashion of a new person . . .
And the thought of truth led me on.
I walked after it and did not wander.
And all that have seen me were amazed and I was regarded by them as a strange person.
And He who knew and brought me up is the Most High in all His perfection. And He glorified me by His kindness, and raised my thoughts to the height of His truth.
And from thence He gave me the way of His precepts and I opened the doors that were closed.
And broke in pieces the bars of iron; but my iron melted and dissolved before me:
Nothing appeared closed to me, because I was the door of everything.“
–Odes of Solomon
This is the start of Ruby Nelson’s amazing little book called ‘The Door of Everything’. It’s not everything for everyone, but for some it will be. While you can find full text PDF downloads, the book is not expensive and I recommend purchasing it for rereading. It’s a small size book, like a mini bible. To me, this line implies a great deal for each of us:
‘I walked after it and did not wander. ‘