The (Vaccine) Desperation of the Super-Rich

Here I was, sailing through my week, until someone sent me this video below about the ‘vaccine’. I can take most things in stride in a spiritual sense, keeping the first principle of miracles in mind (‘there is no order of difficulty in miracles’) and forgiving (overlooking), but this was different. This did break my personal order of difficulty. It’s things like this that deeply offend me, that are obviously gross violations of the most basic elements of human dignity, that are practiced not by the poor and suffering, but often by the richest people in the world.

In this case Bill Gates of Microsoft, Ray Kurlweil of google, and Elon Musk of Tesla. This is hard to understand unless you watch this. But be warned, it’s scary stuff. Really scary, if it’s all accurate, and I have no reason to believe it’s not.

NOTE 2020.12.09: THE VIDEO BELOW IS NOT THE ONE THIS ARTICLE REFERS TO, BUT IS SIMILAR. The original video has been censored by youtube and other sources. We no longer live in a society that permits free speech. You should see a ‘Brighteon Conversations’ video below, unless it too is removed.

Why would billionaires like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Ray Kurzweil lower themselves to this level? It’s clearly obvious that money has not made them happy. In fact, the more money and control they have, the more they want. The reality is that we all share one mind, we are not inherently different from these people, at least until we awaken. The mental disease we/they suffer from is perhaps best described by Eckhart Tolle, in which fear thoughts of the ego mind have unconsciously taken over and become an imitation of who we really are, the false security fostered by endless accumulation has become like a cancer spreading out of control with no reason or no end in sight, and any sense of our real identity has been completely obscured by all this frantic mind activity. In the language of the bible, we’ve gained the world, and lost our own souls. We are suffering a mental disease of pathological accumulation until we can awaken, but in our insane world, most look to this as an example of brilliant business and ‘success’ modelling. To the ego, it is. But minds in this state will stop at nothing in their savage fantasies to maintain and reinforce security against it all coming to an end, and will consume the entire earth and all that’s in it and still hunger after more. Elon Musk now wants Mars. Infantile cravings of the ego are a sickness, not a strength, and society’s portrayal of such individuals as leaders is the height of the ego’s arrogance. The end result of childish goals may be terminal for the entire world unless brought into the light of sanity.

“People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage.”

— John Kenneth Galbraith

As the course says, ‘This is an insane world, and do not underestimate the extent of its insanity. ‘

So, how to react to people showing these symptoms? My initial tendencies are with hatred and disgust. But that’s just falling headlong into the trap and fueling the fires of more hatred and disgust. The course is clear that their is two emotions only: love, or hate. And two ways to see the world: As love, or as a call for love. Instead of hating Gates, Kurzweil, and Musk, or ourselves, a better approach is to see them as another aspect of ourselves cast outside of us into the world. Their plans for us are not inspired by love, but by a lack of love. People such as this are insane with fear of the loss of what they now temporarily have, which perhaps has not been gainfully earned. As a result they are driven to savage lengths to maintain their illusory advantage and to control others. The direction described in this video is the literal control of human beings as digital slaves. This may be new in form, but not in content.

In 1652 Queen Elizabeth I authorized Sir John Hawkins, and his cousin, Sir Francis Drake, to begin the slave trade from Africa to the New World, where they forced the receiving colonies to accept slaves. Today, it is generally accepted that digital chips must be inserted into our bodies, uniquely identifying and enslaving us to the will of technology companies, under the guise of efficiency and helpful vaccines. The Duke of York branded the initials ‘DY’ on the left buttock or breast of slaves. Many slaves died during the ocean journey, so as many slaves as possible were crammed into the holds to compensate for those that would die, their corpses thrown overboard. We know that minimally tested vaccines will being rushed to market, and laws that prevent the vaccine developers from any legal responsibility will protect these new digital slaveholders. The bodies will be thrown somewhere.

T-16.VII.3. Do not underestimate the intensity of the ego’s drive for vengeance on the past. 2 It is completely savage and completely insane. 3 For the ego remembers everything you have done that has offended it, and seeks retribution of you. 4 The fantasies it brings to its chosen relationships in which to act out its hate are fantasies of your destruction. 5 For the ego holds the past against you, and in your escape from the past it sees itself deprived of the vengeance it believes you so justly merit. 6 Yet without your alliance in your own destruction, the ego could not hold you to the past. 7 In the special relationship you are allowing your destruction to be. 8 That this is insane is obvious. 9 But what is less obvious is that the present is useless to you while you pursue the ego’s goal as its ally.

This does not mean we should not oppose these plans aggressively. But we should do so responsibly and consciously, aware of the energies we are dealing with, lest we deepen the crisis.  In all of us there are deep wounds we may fantasize can only be fully healed by delusions such as world domination. So did Adolph Hitler, and we know where that ended. Like babies with butcher knives, these initiatives are best responsibly stopped, for everyone’s benefit. But our job as course students is not to do this in the outside world of form, but inside in the world of thoughts, the only level at which we can begin to alter the effects. As long as we suffer from the same insecurities and sicknesses as the new slaveholders, we will continue to perpetuate the same problems they do in their blissful unconsciousness.

The brazen magnitude of the attempt by the temporarily advantaged to vaccinate everyone with a digital trojan horse is astounding in it arrogance, and provokes a strong reaction in many of us, however should alert us to basic course principles. The beauty, and the absolute horror to the ego of the course, is its completely uncompromising thought system. But how could this not be? Any compromise is all compromise, and any thought system that is true must necessarily be uncompromising. The only reason this vaccine plan is more horrifying to us than any run-of-the-mill insult, lie, or crime, is in it’s global magnitude. I am brought back to these two simple (but not easy) lessons which contain the answers as to how to deal with issues like this.

A Course in Miracles – Chapter 1: The Meaning of Miracles – I. Principles of Miracles

T-1.I.1. There is no order of difficulty in miracles. 2 One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. 3 They are all the same. 4 All expressions of love are maximal.

It doesn’t matter whether Bill Gates wants to vaccinate just himself, or the rest of the world. There is only one son of God. We all share one mind.

A Course in Miracles – Workbook Lesson 134

Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.

W-pI.134.1. Let us review the meaning of “forgive,” for it is apt to be distorted and to be perceived as something that entails an unfair sacrifice of righteous wrath, a gift unjustified and undeserved, and a complete denial of the truth. 2 In such a view, forgiveness must be seen as mere eccentric folly, and this course appear to rest salvation on a whim.

W-pI.134.2. This twisted view of what forgiveness means is easily corrected, when you can accept the fact that pardon is not asked for what is true. 2 It must be limited to what is false. 3 It is irrelevant to everything except illusions. 4 Truth is God’s creation, and to pardon that is meaningless. 5 All truth belongs to Him, reflects His laws and radiates His Love. 6 Does this need pardon? 7 How can you forgive the sinless and eternally benign?

W-pI.134.3. The major difficulty that you find in genuine forgiveness on your part is that you still believe you must forgive the truth, and not illusions. 2 You conceive of pardon as a vain attempt to look past what is there; to overlook the truth, in an unfounded effort to deceive yourself by making an illusion true. 3 This twisted viewpoint but reflects the hold that the idea of sin retains as yet upon your mind, as you regard yourself.

Unless we accept that the world we see is an illusion, we will be unable to ‘forgive’. Forgive essentially means to not react, or to overlook. Our job is to forgive only the illusions of this world. That does not mean to see illusions then judge them as wrong, giving it our ‘forgiveness’. That is not forgiveness. We have to be upstream of that, which means we see nothing in this world as a sin against the world of reality created by God, but only as an illusory sin in an illusory world, and the errors of our brothers as an expression of their call for love.

Remember, there is only one son of God. We all share one mind. We cannot attack another’s mind except in illusions, as it would be an attack on our own. This may seem a simple statement, but the implications are eternal.

Until we are able to overcome the magnitude of errors issue (one crime is worse than another), and until we can look on all things as helpful and all people as either loving or calling for love, we will be trapped in the ego’s thought system. When we have released attack thoughts at last, there will be no world, as there will be no need for one. Leaving it is completely voluntary. We are welcome to remain as long as we (secretly) wish to reside in the world of duality and death.

The way to overcome issues such as today’s attempts at digital slavery is not to make them real by fighting against them, although conscious worldly resistance is warranted, but by changing our minds about them. That is the only freedom that we have. As irritating as it may seem at first, each situation is simply another call to awaken. One is not larger or smaller than another, except in the false judgement of the ego, whose time is now limited.

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