Stop Dissipating Your Energy
First, a warning.
My experience of this concept has been that it is so simple and obvious that I cannot grasp it. And even if in time I grasp it intellectually, the fear of applying it is overwhelming, thus preventing its adoption.
However I think it is a pivotal concept and one which we need to focus on, and it’s acceptance and utilization I suspect is the doorway to much more.
We’ve been trained from birth to ‘operate’ on the data we receive from the world. The instant it hits us we recall from our memory banks our experience of it, and if we have none we compare to some experience we have had, and automatically attempt to deny it, overcome it, escape from it, or analyze it. Or, we can accept and promote it. But in all cases we are not purely observing it, we are acting on thought which is already present in our minds and thus not seeing the ‘real world’ or ‘what is’.
Krishnamurti: “To explore this you need great energy, an energy which comes into being when there is no dissipation of energy. One dissipates energy through trying to overcome ‘what is’, to deny or escape from ‘what is’ or to analyse ‘what is’, because the analyser IS the analysed, the analyser is not different from that which he analyses. As we have said during these talks for many years, this is a fundamental reality.”
There are two important concepts here:
- we dissipate energy which is essential to ‘seeing’ by allowing our minds to run off in various directions
- the analyser IS the analysed… we are the world and the world is us, therefore there is nothing we can do about the world
If we are the world and the world is us, then attacking the world is attacking ourselves. One concept leads into another, and the ‘problem’ then becomes not understanding the concept, but allowing the enormity of the implications become apparent. As K states, to explore this we need great energy, which we do not have now, and that comes from not dissipating energy. The only way to stop dissipating energy is to watch our minds and become alert to how this is happening… in which case it will arrest itself.
Please let me know if you master this… I’m still working at it.