John Taylor Gatto, a teacher with something to teach us

john taylor gatto

I first heard John Taylor Gatto speak on a late-night radio interview around 1995. I had no idea who he was, but was fascinated. Something incredible happened to me that night… twice in an hour my mind simple ‘opened’. I don’t know how to describe it otherwise. These ‘breakthroughs’ typically only happen to me every 20 years or so… but with him speaking about a topic as ordinary as education it happened twice in an hour. It was amazingly healing. What triggered it was simply his description of how it’s alright for children to learn their own way in their own time, which somehow triggered a massive forgiveness of myself for my disgust of the barbaric public school system’s complete failure to allow me to learn in my own way. But by the next morning I’d lost that incredible feeling of relief… and was back to my conditioning.

Below is a simply introduction to some of the observations of John Taylor Gatto who has unfortunately passed away. He was a leader… one who saw clearly where most of us see only through the strict filters we’ve been fitted with and never break free of. If you have children, or simply want to educate your own inner child, Gatto is incredibly worthwhile.