This short video focuses on what is probably the greatest threat to your life, and your family’s life. This threat is generally not mentioned by the mainstream media, as they are owned by ‘wireless’ companies.
5G is the next generation of cell-tower radiation, except this radiation will be unleashed on you from small pole or building mounted antennae near your home or business.
Wireless is not a safe technology. There is no proof of safety, and overwhelming evidence of harm. The current safety standards are largely written by industry and not protective of human health. RF (radio frequency) radiation is one probable the source of many of the chronic diseases of today.
In this short video Dr. Martin Pall (Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, Portland) explains why. Having completed eight papers in the past decade, Pall as recognized as a global expert in this area. This is a very important video for you in understanding why it is critically important to understand to protect yourself from this energy. While we live in an illusory world, our illusions are very strong, and doing what we can to protect ourselves on a bodily level (without becoming obsessive about it) is a sensible choice until we ultimately can move beyond the need for sickness.
We owe Dr. Martin Pall a great debt of gratitude for his selfless work in publicizing this issue. He is one of today’s very rare true hero’s.
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