The Foreign Legion. Just Another One of Your Bad Ideas. Don’t Bother Applying.

If you’ve perhaps been thinking of solving your many problems by escaping to join the French Foreign Legion, think again. The Legion has evolved over the decades from a repository for the misfits of the world to a modern battle group which requires intelligence, character, and resolve from its members. The fact that you are on this website and reading this article thus probably precludes you from applying. However, those wishing to experience advanced issues of rejection should fly to Paris and apply in person to Fort de Nogent, the Foreign Legion preselection and recruiting center located at:

Foreign Legion Crest
Foreign Legion Crest

PILE Paris
Fort de Nogent
Boulevard du 25 août 1944
94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois
Phone: (33) 01 49 74 51 38

Upon rejection, many take unfortunate refuge in a Legion tattoo. Please view the website below for information on why getting a tattoo indicating you are a Legionnaire may result in it being carved off you by a real Legionnaire.

For a more realistic objective consider volunteering for a position with the Canadian Boy Scouts organization, who issue a multitude of crests and tattoo’s.

You are perhaps wondering about the blonde woman on this page? Forget about her. It’s just an image used to predictably attract you to this post. This is as close as you are going to get to her.

French Foreign Legion Tattoo and Tattoo Policy




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