The Ultimate Trojan Horse

The Ultimate Trojan Horse

Ultimate Trojan Horse

The Ultimate Trojan Horse

It’s common knowledge among those engaged in propaganda that the safest place to hide something is in plain sight. No one is going to look for something that is obviously right in front of them.

ACIM world view

A ‘trojan horse’ is a decoy, a metaphor which represents something other than what it appears to be. If it’s true (as the ACIM states) that the mind of man has the same power as the mind of God, and if the ego in its guilty panic to escape God desired to create a foolproof method to forever trap us away from our source, what would it devise that would forever resist detection? Would it not put a world, an entire physical universe together, in front of us, in which we can wander for a near eternity, then devise five senses that are only capable of validating the reality of this world alone? And if the world is created by our projected thoughts, would not our thinking be the ultimate trap?

Consider the possibility that this world and all that’s in it is simply a sophisticated trojan horse to distract us from the essence of what we are.

If so, these ideas below (which represent the essence of ‘thought reversal’) found in ACIM T.21.II may seem possible and take on a new perspective:  “I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. and everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked. Acknowledge that you have been mistaken, and all effects of your mistakes will disappear.”  © A Course in Miracles – Foundation for Inner Peace

To memorize those words is easy, but to accept them as the truth is a world-breaker. But let’s not flash-incinerate our minds totally right now…that wouldn’t help. What works best for me is making small repeated approaches to these concepts without forcing anything, glances.  The course tell us our part is very small… we need a ‘small willingness’ to see things differently. The concepts above are not unique… Ho’oponopono uses a similar theory that we are responsible for everything we see.

I can’t really explain exactly what ‘thought reversal’ (the name of this website) is… however I believe the acceptance of the words in italics above would be a demonstration of it. It would require that we no longer blame the world for our problems, but recognize our responsibility in them.

Click here for a related talk by Dr. Ken Wapnick, the most respected teacher of the course, that touches on many of these themes.