This is nothing but an enthusiastic plug for Ken Wapnick’s excellent little book (156 pages, paperback size) ‘The Stages of Our Spiritual Journey‘. Ⓒ
In this book (based on a 2004 workshop) Ken Wapnick, recognized as the most experienced teacher of ACIM, and blessed with an excellent academic background in theology and psychology, interprets the basic works of the German Friedrich Nietzsche and relates it to ACIM principles. This analysis is beyond the range of most of us who lack an extensive academic background like Wapnick’s, and give us a birds-eye look at how some elements of these two works are very similar. For most of us the works of Nietzsche, translated out of German and often deeply corrupted by being hijacked by the Nazi’s propaganda of WW2, are inaccessible without a great deal of time and effort. This book demonstrates how Neitzsche’s work may be considered in some ways a precursor to the ACIM. His simple explanations of how we progress through life first as a camel, then as a lion, then a child, act as a guiding light through complex material. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to understand the stages through which we evolve in our search for who we really are.