Overlooking Forgiveness

Does forgiveness mean overlooking?

Overlooking Forgiveness

As I look at this graphic I see I’ve created others very similar.. the idea that the world we look at is a projection of the mind. Last night I went back and read the brief introduction to the course, which is an excellent review when we get (probably intentionally) lost in the intellectual complexities. These pages explain that after we’ve become trapped in the world of dreams, the Holy Spirit’s ‘sight’ is the only way out. He describes this as ‘forgiveness’.

I’ve always had a problem with the definition of ‘forgiveness’. Traditionally it refers to a superior person ‘forgiving’ an ‘inferior’ person (in relative terms!). For instance, you forgive your slow neighbor for buying a Ford instead of a Dodge. But the definition given in the first few pages of the course tell us that this is not the forgiveness the course refers to… it refers to a ‘looking past’ of whatever we are observing. It seems to me this shifts and enormous amount of responsibility off of us… otherwise we are stuck in an endless and hopeless trap of ‘forgiving’ the specific sins of the world, instead of simply becoming aware that they are dreams, and not ‘real’. If they are not real, they don’t need ‘forgiveness’… they need looking past. If I’m not wrong, this must be the key to generalizing ‘forgiveness’ to apply to all things in the known universe, all things we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste… in other worlds all experiences of this world. It’s not a process of intellectual or emotional evaluation, it’s a process of simply seeing ‘beyond’, seeing the false as false.

The cost of this swap however is high to the ego, which must trade in it’s dream life for a real life. It’s not done lightly in my experience, I’m very attached to my dreams.



Is this whole thing wrong? We should all be driving Fords? Please comment if you can clarify.